Week 3 - Logistic population growth and stability analysis

Credit to Gen-Chang Hsu

Extra materials - Modeling discrete logistic models using for loops

Model: \[ N_{t+1} = N_t(1+r(1-\frac{N_t}{K})) \]

### (1) Define the discrete logistic growth equation
log_fun <- function(r, N, K){N + r*N*(1-N/K)}

You may modify \(r\) to see the change in stability of equilibrium \(K\).

### (2) Set the parameters
r <- 1.8
K <- 500
N0 <- 10
time <- 100

### (3) Use for loop to iterate over the time sequence
pop_size <- data.frame(times = 1:time)
pop_size$N[1] <- N0
##   times  N
## 1     1 10
## 2     2 10
## 3     3 10
## 4     4 10
## 5     5 10
## 6     6 10
for(i in 2:time){
  pop_size$N[i] <- log_fun(r = r, N = pop_size$N[i - 1], K = K)

##   times         N
## 1     1  10.00000
## 2     2  27.64000
## 3     3  74.64171
## 4     4 188.93980
## 5     5 400.51775
## 6     6 543.95762
### (4) Population trajectory
plot(N ~ times, data = pop_size, type = "l")
abline(h = K, col = "red")
points(N ~ times, data = pop_size)

Here is a shiny app for the discrete logistic growth model.

Credit to Gen-Chang Hsu